Sept. 15. Drove back to Houston where I had expected to do a TV interview only to learn that the interviewer was up in Alaska some- where on that Manhattan ice breaker trip and might be back on Wed- nesday. So that was off. As there was some possibility of doing a cou- ple of radio shows, though they fell through in the end, I elected to remain in Houston while Sally went back to the "resort."

Sept. 16. As my hair was a mess again, I got a hair-do in prepara- tion for the following several days of appearances. Taken to dinner that night by Dianna as Dianna and we girls did the town.

Sept. 17. Wandered around town, visited the famous Shamrock Hotel and at night did interview on KPRC-TV with the returned in- terviewer.

Sept. 18. Up early to do an 8:30 to 11 interview before Dr. Mc- Clary's class on Sex and Family Relations at the University of Houston. Went off well. Then quickly to the airport for a hop to Dal- las where I was met by Jennifer 43-H-3 FPE as her brother and taken into town to do a radio interview on KRLD. Outside the station afterward we were spotted by Clara 43-C-2 FPE. After giving an in- terview to a reporter for the Dallas Times (which I am afraid they decided not to use) we went back to the airport and hopped the plane for Denver where I was met by Maureen 6-J-1 FPE. The show that I had come to Denver for on KOA-TV had been canceled. (I'm now doing it in Dec.) so we just visited.

Sept. 19. Gave an interview to the Denver Post which they finally decided not to use thus wasting a couple of hours of time and effort. Had lunch with 2 very nice and understanding psychiatrists. It was a real pleasure to find such open and inquiring minds. That evening Betty 6-B-2 FPE took me to a very interesting German restaurant out- side of town where I tried to teach the college-boy waiter some German. Afterwards we had a lovely evening and refreshments at Maureen's home with the other remaining Denver girl, Elaura Ann 6-H-3 FPE and her very nice wife joining us. Maureen's wife served us nice re- freshments and we all had a fine time. We had hoped that our psychia- trist friends would join us but it was an invitation on short notice and they couldn't.

Sept. 20. Flew home to L.A. and was met by a most relieved Mary who had carried a very big load for 3 months- -all of the Chevalier problems, caretaking of my home and cats and handling all my per-